
Newton's biography

Isaac Newton       Newtown the father of calculus and fundamental force gravitation which is still unsolved theory in classical Physics. Born on 4 January 1643 in Woolsthorpe Manor House, United Kingdom and died in  3 1 March 1727 in Kensington. 


                               The Photos         This photo is caught in camera in the early morning abot 5 o' clock in winter . Ths photo is of a light tower . ____________________________________________________________ This photo is caught by a normal camera phone in morning , the hand in which frog is caught . This was rainy season.

Art of Archar

            The Digital Art       This is painting or digital art of the unknown space including unknown planet , its interstellar space. The painted through Archar k.


       Allegory of The Cave It syas now days world is getting strife which is the opposition of real life existence. We all peoples should think big to change the world we still in a cage of darkness because our eyes are banded through this dark . We all should open our eyes to change the world only through truth not mal or darkness.  Only philosophy can change the world through a person to person.  Go to the bed and think where are we wrong in our pleasent and luxury life in the night. Please , come on truth path to get people their life filled with truth. The video is give below to make you understood more precisely and with much understanding.                                   Riddle of thought    "World is getting dark ,open      Your eye , come from the dark."                                               ~g.archr k